Bangkok in 4 days: the perfect route for the capital

21 Feb 2024 6 min read No comments Bangkok Information

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Bangkok in 4 days – is it worth it? We say: Yes! – because with 4 days you have even more time at your disposal than most visitors to the capital.

Bangkok is a kaleidoscope of bustling markets, majestic temples, exquisite cuisine and exciting architecture – a city that never seems to sleep.

Of course, it takes a bit of planning to experience all this and explore the highlights of this fascinating city in 4 days.

To save you time and nerves, here is a route that offers a great mix of culture, gastronomy, shopping and entertainment

This way you can get the most out of your short trip and maybe even make you want to visit again.

4 days in Bangkok: Day 1 is all about the temples

Day one of the “Bangkok in 4 days” mission is all about the fascinating temples and the city’s eventful history.

These are the highlights you should explore on day 1 of your 4-day Bangkok tour:

  • Morning: Start your day with a visit to the Grand Palace and the adjoining Wat Phra Kaew, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. These historical sites offer a deep insight into Thailand’s rich culture and history.
  • Lunch: Enjoy a traditional Thai lunch at one of the restaurants near the riverside. Afterwards you can enjoy a relaxing boat trip on the Chao Phraya and the Klongs to see the city from a different perspective(compare tours here).
  • Afternoon: Visit the Wat Pho to see the reclining Buddha, followed by a walk to the nearby Wat Arun on the other side of the river.
  • Evening: End the day with a visit to Chinatown where you can stroll through the bustling streets and sample the best street food in the city. Be sure to treat yourself to a Thai massage.

Our tip: This private tour of Bangkok takes you to the city’s most important temples.

Bangkok in 4 days: explore the modern metropolis on day 2

4 days in Bangkok – and the second day is characterized by Bangkok’s modern and artistic side.

These are the highlights you should explore on day 2 of your Bangkok in 4 days tour:

  • Morning: Discover Bangkok’s art and culture scene for free at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC), followed by a stroll through the nearby galleries and art cafés.
  • Midday: Spend the afternoon shopping in the luxurious shopping centers Siam Paragon or Terminal 21. Treat yourself to a delicious lunch in one of the food courts.
  • Afternoon: Enjoy the view of Bangkok from above by climbing the King Power Mahanakhon one of the tallest buildings in the city. Perfect for sunset!
  • Evening: Experience the nightlife in Asiatique The Riverfront . The charming night market and entertainment complex on the river offers a wide selection of restaurants, street food, stores and shows.

Tip: Book the particularly cheap online ticket for the Mahanakhon Tower in advance without queuing!

4 days in Bangkok: relaxation and hidden gems on day 3

The penultimate day of the “Bangkok in 4 days” mission is on the program and this time the focus is on relaxation, local culture, shopping and nightlife.

  • Morning: Visit the Chatuchak Weekend Market (if day 3 falls on a weekend), the largest market in Thailand, where you can find everything from great souvenirs to delicious street food. Alternatively, you can find great bargains at the MBK Center at the MBK Center.
  • Noon: Make a detour to Lumphini Park to enjoy the peace and quiet in the middle of the bustling city and watch the giant monitor lizards.
  • Afternoon: Marvel at traditional Thai architecture during a visit to the Jim Thompson House which tells the story of Thai silk and one of its most famous exporters.
  • Evening: End the day with dinner or a drink in one of the nearby rooftop bars. rooftop bars to admire the Bangkok skyline at night.

Our tip: Book the Jim Thompson House in combination with a Baan Krua Community Tour.

Bangkok in 4 days: Take a trip outside the city gates on day 4

On the last day of your Bangkok in 4 days tour, you should definitely explore a few highlights outside the city gates and round off your trip in style.

  • Early morning: Start the day early with a trip to the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market the most famous floating market in Thailand. Enjoy the lively atmosphere and try local snacks directly from the boats(compare tours here).
  • Morning: Drive on to the Maeklong Railway Market (Train Market), known for its unique location on the railroad tracks. Watch how the traders pack up their goods at lightning speed as the train passes through the market. (Tip: This combination tour takes you to the Floating Market, the Train Market and Wat Bang Kung)
  • Afternoon: On the way back to Bangkok, you can make a stop at Wat Bang Kung, a temple known for its prayer room surrounded by banyan trees.
  • Evening: End your stay with a dinner cruise on the Chao Phraya River, where you can admire the Bangkok skyline by night and round off your trip in style in this fascinating city.

Our tip: Book your dinner cruise on the Phraya Princess with live music and a gourmet buffet here.

Frequently asked questions about Bangkok in 4 days

Finally, we answer some frequently asked questions about Bangkok in 4 days.

Here you will also find our itineraries for Bangkok in one day, Bangkok in 2 days and Bangkok in 3 days.

Ist es möglich, Bangkok in 4 Tagen zu erkunden?

Absolut. Obwohl Bangkok eine riesige Stadt ist, ermöglicht eine gut durchdachte Route, dass ihr die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten und viel von der lokalen Kultur in nur 4 Tagen erleben könnt.

Welche Verkehrsmittel sind am besten, um sich in Bangkok fortzubewegen?

Der BTS Skytrain und die MRT U-Bahn sind effiziente Optionen, um den Verkehr zu umgehen und viele Hauptattraktionen zu erreichen. Für Ziele entlang des Flusses empfiehlt sich eine Fahrt mit den Expressbooten auf dem Chao Phraya.

Kann ich den Großen Palast und Wat Pho an einem Vormittag besuchen?

Ja, beide liegen nahe beieinander und können leicht zu Fuß erkundet werden. Ein früher Start hilft, die Menschenmengen zu meiden und die kühleren Morgenstunden zu nutzen.

Gibt es eine empfohlene Tageszeit für den Besuch des Chatuchak Wochenendmarktes?

Der Markt kann besonders in den Morgenstunden sehr belebt sein. Ein Besuch am frühen Vormittag bietet eine entspannteres Erlebnis, bevor die nächsten großen Menschenmassen gegen Mittag eintreffen.

Sind die schwimmenden Märkte in und rund um Bangkok jeden Tag geöffnet?

Die meisten schwimmenden Märkte, wie der Damnoen Saduak, sind täglich geöffnet. Es lohnt sich aber immer, die Öffnungszeiten vor dem Besuch. noch einmal zu überprüfen.

Wie viel Zeit sollte ich für den Ausflug zum Floating Market und Train Market einplanen?

Plant für beide Märkte und die Fahrtzeit einen ganzen Tag ein. Der frühe Morgen ist die beste Zeit für den Floating Market, während der Train Market flexibel besucht werden kann. Informiert euch aber im Voraus, wann die Züge durch den Markt fahren.

Was sollte ich bei einem Besuch des Großen Palastes beachten?

Achtet auf die Kleiderordnung, die respektvolle, Knie und Schultern bedeckende Kleidung vorschreibt. Zur Not könnt ihr euch vor Ort gegen eine Gebühr auch Tücher ausleihen.

Gibt es kulinarische Spezialitäten, die ich in Bangkok nicht verpassen sollte?

Bangkok ist berühmt für seine Straßenküche. Probiert lokale Delikatessen wie Pad Thai, Mango Sticky Rice und Tom Yum Goong. Ein Besuch in Chinatown bietet die perfekte Gelegenheit, viele verschiedene Gerichte zu probieren.

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