Bangkok in 3 days: get the best out of it with this route

13 Feb 2024 5 min read No comments Bangkok Information

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Bangkok in 3 days – does that even make sense? We say: Yes! – because even in a short time you can experience a lot in the City of Angels.

Bangkok, a city that never seems to sleep, is a kaleidoscope of bustling markets, majestic temples, exquisite cuisine and exciting architecture.

With the right planning, you can experience all of this and explore the highlights of this fascinating city in 3 days.

We present a route that offers you a great mix of culture, gastronomy, shopping and entertainment so that you can get the most out of your short trip.

3 days in Bangkok: Day 1 is all about the temples

Day one of the “Bangkok in 3 days” mission is all about the fascinating temples and the city’s eventful history.

These are the highlights you should explore on day 1 of your 3-day Bangkok tour:

  • Morning: Start your day with a visit to the spectacular Grand Palace the former residence of the Thai kings. Right next to it is Wat Phra Kaew, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, one of the holiest places in Thailand. Both are located in the old town and are a must for every visitor to Bangkok.
  • Noon: Walk to the nearby Wat Pho to admire the reclining Buddha and then enjoy a traditional Thai lunch in one of the local restaurants in the old town.
  • Afternoon: Continue your exploration with a visit to the Wat Arun the Temple of Dawn, which is located on the other side of the river. The best way to get there is a short ride on the river ferry, which also offers you a wonderful view of Bangkok from the water.
  • Evening: End the day with a visit to Chinatown where you can stroll through the lively streets and sample the best street food in the city. Be sure to treat yourself to a Thai massage.

Our tip: This private tour of Bangkok takes you to the city’s most important temples.

Bangkok in 3 days: explore the modern metropolis on day 2

3 days in Bangkok – and the second day is characterized by Bangkok’s modern and artistic side.

These are the highlights you should explore on day 2 of your Bangkok in 3 days tour:

  • Tomorrow: Start the day with a shopping tour in the MBK Center or Siam Paragon, where you can find everything from local handicrafts to luxury brands. The MBK Center is perfect for bargains, electronics and knock-offs, while at Siam Paragon you’re more likely to find luxury and retail brands.
  • Lunch: Enjoy lunch in one of the modern cafés or restaurants in the shopping center. The food courts in particular are always worth a visit.
  • Afternoon: Visit the Jim Thompson House to get an insight into traditional Thai architecture and silk production. Afterwards, you can immerse yourself in the artistic heart of the city just a few steps away at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre(BACC) – admission is free here.
  • Evening: Experience Bangkok’s nightlife at the Asiatique The Riverfront . The charming night market and entertainment complex on the river offers a wide selection of restaurants, street food, stores and shows.

Our tip: Book the Jim Thompson House in combination with a Baan Krua Community Tour.

3 days in Bangkok: relaxation and local culture on day 3

The last day of the “Bangkok in 3 days” mission is on the program and this time the focus is on relaxation, local culture and a bit of luxury.

  • Tomorrow: Start your day in a relaxed way with a visit to Lumphini Park Bangkok’s largest public park, where you can watch the morning hustle and bustle of the locals. The highlight here are the banded monitor lizards, which can grow to over two meters in size.
  • Noon: Drive on to the Chatuchak weekend market . The huge market is only open at weekends and offers everything from clothing and handicrafts to delicious street food.
  • Afternoon: Discover the cultural side of Bangkok at the Erawan Shrine in the Pathum Wan district, which is dedicated to the Hindu god Brahma. Then stroll through the luxurious shopping district around the Ratchaprasong intersection.
  • Evening: Conclude your stay with a dinner cruise on the Chao Phraya River where you can admire the Bangkok skyline by night and round off your trip to this fascinating city in style.

Our tip: Book your dinner cruise on the Phraya Princess with live music and a gourmet buffet here.

Frequently asked questions about Bangkok in 3 days

Finally, we answer some frequently asked questions about Bangkok in 3 days.

Ist es möglich, Bangkok in 3 Tagen zu erkunden?

Ja, es ist definitiv möglich, die Highlights von Bangkok in 3 Tagen zu erleben. Obwohl man in dieser kurzen Zeit nicht alles sehen kann, ermöglicht eine sorgfältige Planung, die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten und kulturellen Hotspots zu entdecken.

Was sollte ich an meinem ersten Tag in Bangkok besuchen?

Am ersten Tag empfiehlt es sich, das historische Herz von Bangkok zu erkunden. Der Große Palast, Wat Pho und Wat Arun sind Must-See-Attraktionen, die euch einen Einblick in die reiche Geschichte und Kultur Thailands geben.

Welche Shoppingmöglichkeiten sollte ich in Bangkok nicht verpassen?

Bangkok ist ein Paradies für Shoppingbegeisterte. MBK Center, Siam Paragon und der Chatuchak Wochenendmarkt bieten eine breite Palette von Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, von lokaler Handwerkskunst bis hin zu internationalen Marken.

Was sind die besten kulinarischen Erlebnisse in Bangkok?

Streetfood in Chinatown, traditionelle thailändische Gerichte in den lokalen Restaurants der Altstadt und ein Besuch in den modernen Cafés und Restaurants im Stadtzentrum sind kulinarische Highlights, die ihr in Bangkok nicht verpassen solltet.

Wie komme ich am besten von einem Ort zum anderen in Bangkok?

Das BTS Skytrain- und MRT-Netz ist effizient und deckt viele Hauptattraktionen ab. Taxis und Tuk-Tuks sind ebenfalls bequeme Optionen, um kürzere Distanzen zurückzulegen. Hier solltet ihr allerdings im Vorfeld einen Preis verhandeln oder auf das Taximeter bestehen.

Kann ich Bangkok sicher alleine erkunden?

Bangkok ist im Allgemeinen sicher für Alleinreisende. Es ist jedoch – wie in allen Großstädten – empfehlenswert, in der Nacht vorsichtig zu sein, besonders in weniger belebten Gegenden, und stets auf eure persönlichen Gegenstände zu achten.

Was sollte ich über das Klima in Bangkok wissen?

Bangkok hat ein tropisches Klima, mit hohen Temperaturen und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit das ganze Jahr über. Leichte Kleidung und Sonnenschutz sind empfehlenswert.

Wie kann ich das Nachtleben von Bangkok erleben?

Asiatique The Riverfront und die Rooftop-Bars in der Stadt bieten großartige Möglichkeiten, das Nachtleben von Bangkok zu genießen. Auch die Khao San Road ist bei Feierwütigen beliebt.

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